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Places I've Been by trailrunnerrn

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3.8-6.4 mi

Table Rock / Table Mountain

Driggs, Idaho

10.0 miles E of Driggs, Idaho

At 11,300 feet, Table Mountain is possibly the most beautiful climb this side of the Tetons and offers what may well be the very best view of the Grand Tetons. It's just far enough away to be able to see all three peaks and close enough to make out all the detail. 

There are 2 main trails with different distances but either way, you've got to climb over 4000 feet.

The Face trail is much steeper but also much shorter. It cuts out all of the switchbacks and 'B' lines it for the top. It's considerably shorter and you don't have to go very far before the view begins to open up and you can see the beauty of Teton Canyon and its surrounding peaks. (about 3.5 miles one way)

Huckleberry trail is much longer but also a much more gradual incline/decline. The trail follows and crosses North Fork Teton Creek making it a great spot to get a filtered water refill.It's not known as huckleberry for nothing. You just have to catch it at the right time (Mid-Late Summer depending on weather) and get to the bushes before everybody else picks them clean. (about 6.5 miles one way)

Check conditions via webcam at

Elevation: 11,300ft

Elevation Gain: 4000ft

Length: 7-13 miles

Camp, Hike

hike Hiking Trail

camp Campsite

Last visited on 4 May 2022
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