Bear Gulch
Ashton, Idaho
9.7 miles NE of Ashton, IdahoBear Gulch is an abandoned ski hill out of operation since 1969.
While the vegetation is beginning to take over, there's still some great sledding to be had. It's just far enough into the hills that there's plenty of snow all through the winter and often from Fall to Spring. The most popular sledding run is on one of the overgrown ski runs. Starting above the parking lot it goes down through a "no motorized vehicles" gate and on down to the creek and old ski lift. Most people stick to the upper portion, especially with smaller children. However, there are a range of heights to start from so there really is something for all ages. The lower portion is faster and windy with usually a decent enough trail cut out that it guides you through every twist and turn all the way to the bottom. Being able to turn isn't essential but you may feel like slowing down or even stopping. Just be careful not to stop in front of somebody else. The hike up is pretty long and a little steep. Be sure to stay out of the way of other sledders coming down.