7 Free Folf Courses near Northside Park
first prev 1 next lastShowing Folf Courses within 50 miles Distance miles of 5800 NW 34th Blvd, Gainesville, FL 32653, USA City, Zip, or Address

Barr Systems Disc Golf Course
Gainesville, Florida
3.1 miles SWNumbered posts mark tees, but bring the map to navigate. No risk of lost discs - other than the ditch during the rainy season. Private course but public welcome - smile for the security cameras....
Disc Golf
Jonesville Park
Gainesville, Florida
8.7 miles WBig busy park with a lot of facilities. Some holes in the open and some in dense woods with carved fairways. Challenging and intelligent layout. Thick grass in places. Good flow but bring the course...
Disc Golf
Lake Wauburg
Micanopy, Florida
13.2 miles SUniversity of Florida Faculty/Staff/Student ID required for entrance. Mostly short and tight shots. Watch out for gators! Call (352) 466-4112 in advance to insure the course is open. Park is staffed...
Disc Golf
House of Trees
Newberry, Florida
16.8 miles WA very technical private course on 8 acres. 12 concrete tees navigate crossing fairways to 6 baskets. A guide needed to play. Contact Iaon for permission and directions. Private (No Fee)
Disc Golf
Ronnie Van Zant Memorial
Green Cove Springs, Florida
40.8 miles NEMedium density forest - keep disc low. Tennis, basketball, baseball, fishing, playground, restrooms, 6 pavilions with grills. Quiet and shady. Sandy with lots of small oaks. The newer backwoods holes...
Disc Golf
Jerry Eden
Green Cove Springs, Florida
41.0 miles NEPublic (No Fee)
Disc Golf
Ocala Greenway Disc Golf Course
Ocala, Florida
42.5 miles SEBuilt on abandoned barge canal property. Elevation on most holes with a mix of wooded and wide open holes. 80% of the course is in the shade. Public (No Fee)
Disc Golf