
Help us inspire and inform every person to enjoy life and the great outdoors in a responsible way.


Our mission at Free Arenas is to inspire and inform every person to enjoy life and the great outdoors in a responsible way.

We do this in every way we can. Here’s the top of the list that we’re working on right now.

  • Providing information to help you find and explore new adventures in the outdoors
  • Building and maintaining local trails to give more people the opportunity to get outside, try new things, build new skills, and discover new passions.
  • Helping and teaching kids to fix their bikes to give kids the chance to really love the outdoors in the same way kids have done for decades before.
  • Cleanup projects in local parks to provide safe and clean places to enjoy nature

Each of these efforts is multi-purpose, improving the lives of people by making it easier and more enjoyable to be outside and by providing opportunities to serve and to love doing it, all while caring for this great world around us. We would love to be able to expand our efforts and do more for the people and world around us.


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